HCF Funds
Hudson Forever Endowment Fund
Fireworks Endowment Fund
Hudson City Schools Student Assistance Endowment Fund
Music from The Western Reserve Endowment Fund
Seton Catholic School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund
Arts & Culture Fund
Historical and Environmental Preservation Fund
Social Services Fund
Youth, Education & Recreation Fund
Tobin Fund for Culture, Arts and Preservation
Arts & Culture Fund
Acknowledging the importance of arts and culture in the life of each individual, the Hudson Community Foundation promotes and supports organizations and events which further these opportunities for the citizens of Hudson.
Fireworks Endowment Fund
Responding to a community survey indicating that the fireworks display in celebration of Independence Day is one of Hudson’s most treasured community events, this fund ensures its enjoyment in perpetuity. Read More
Historical and Environmental Preservation Fund
The Hudson Community Foundation embraces Hudson’s rich history and believes it is critical to maintain its character and heritage. Fostering an attitude of environmental responsibility will ensure community resources are preserved. Both areas will allow future generations to enjoy Hudson as we do today.
Hudson City Schools Student Assistance Endowment Fund
This is a designated fund at Hudson Community Foundation created to provide ongoing financial support to economically disadvantaged students with specific ancillary items that may be necessary to function at school on a daily basis.
Hudson Forever Endowment Fund
This fund’s purpose is to provide long term charitable giving to the Hudson community by making annual grant distributions forever. It is the growth of this fund that ensures that the Hudson Community Foundation will have unrestricted resources available to address current needs as well as those unforeseen in the future.
Hudson Garden Club Fund
Hudson Garden Club is dedicated to spreading the knowledge and love of gardening, the beautification of public property and the support of education in horticultural and related fields.
Social Services Fund
A community entails citizens at both ends of the financial spectrum. The Hudson Community Foundation is committed to supporting all citizens through its philanthropic channels.
Hudson NOW Fund
This unrestricted fund allows donors to collectively meet immediate and changing needs in the Hudson community. The Hudson Community Foundation’s Board of Directors is utilized to determine how best these funds can serve the current needs of the community.
Music from The Western Reserve Endowment Fund
This fund's purpose is to provide support to Music from The Western Reserve to carry out its role and mission.
Seton Catholic School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund
This fund is to provide charitable distributions to Seton Catholic School for financial aid and tuition assistance to families in need.
Tobin Fund for Culture, Arts and Preservation
Phil and Joan Tobin generously established, and continue to give to this fund to foster their appreciation of Culture, the Arts and Historic Preservation. By creating this Field of Interest fund, they are utilizing the Community Foundation’s board to best determine the organizations and projects to which grants are made.
Youth, Education & Recreation Fund
Investing in our youth helps develop the leaders of tomorrow. The Hudson Community Foundation supports opportunities and experiences that promote the building of important developmental assets and valuable relationships for our local youth.
We're pleased to help you with your charitable giving. Our mission is to help individuals like you create a lasting legacy through smart, meaningful philanthropy. You don’t give to Hudson Community Foundation, you give through it. No matter where you choose to direct your gift, you will be enriching our community for generations to come. We connect people with causes that matter. Thank you for your generosity!
Please make your check payable to Hudson Community Foundation and indicate the fund name.
Mail to the Hudson Community Foundation at P.O. Box 944, Hudson, OH 44236. Or make your donation right here on our website using your credit card or PayPal account by clicking on the button below.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!