4th of July Fireworks
Saturday, July 1st at dusk
Hudson’s 4th of July Fireworks Display will take place at dusk in Case-Barlow Farm Park on Barlow Road on Saturday, July 1st with a rain date of July 2nd. General parking at Jo-Ann’s and Little Tikes. With free shuttle service by Petermann to the park from Joann's.
The fireworks display is presented by the Hudson Community Foundation.
Burton D. Morgan Foundation is the Premier Sponsor in honor of their 50th Anniversary.
If you would like to support the fireworks until the Fireworks Endowment Fund reaches its goal of $550,000, you can do so online or mail your tax deductible check. Through the continued leadership of The Hudson Community Foundation and the generosity of our many donors -- together we have achieved more than half of our goal.
Make check to HCF Fireworks Fund and mail to Hudson Community Foundation at P.O. Box 944, Hudson, OH 44236. Or donate below using your credit card or PayPal account by clicking on the button below. 100% of every donation goes towards this year’s show or to endow future celebrations.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Please accept our most sincere thanks in advance for your contribution towards preserving the Hudson Fireworks.
We look forward to another excellent show and we hope you will have a fabulous evening watching the fireworks display at dusk on July 1st (rain date July 2nd). Dedicated to Enriching Hudson Forever.