Designated Funds
In the Designated Fund, you name a particular charity or charities to benefit from the fund. Each year, HCF distributes grants to those charities according to your specifications and HCF’s spending policy. You have the assurance of knowing that, if the organization you selected ceases to exist or the purpose of the grant cannot be met, HCF’s Board will preserve your original intent by redirecting the fund toward the closest similar use.
The designated fund is ideal if:
- You want to make a substantial gift to a charity that does not have a professional investment management capability.
- You want to make a substantial gift to a new, small, or struggling organization.
- You wish to support a particular charity but want third-party oversight to ensure that the gift is used as you intend it to be used.
- You want to support several named charities through one substantial gift.
We're pleased to help you with your charitable giving. Our mission is to help individuals like you create a lasting legacy through smart, meaningful philanthropy. You don’t give to Hudson Community Foundation, you give through it. No matter where you choose to direct your gift, you will be enriching our community for generations to come. We connect people with causes that matter. Thank you for your generosity!
Please make your check payable to Hudson Community Foundation and indicate the fund name.
Mail to the Hudson Community Foundation at P.O. Box 944, Hudson, OH 44236. Or make your donation right here on our website using your credit card or PayPal account by clicking on the button below.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!