Grant Guidelines
These Guidelines apply to grants made from Hudson Community Foundation’s Unrestricted (Board Discretionary) Funds and Donor Field-of-Interest Funds.
These Guidelines do not apply to:
- Donor Designated Funds
- Scholarship Funds
- Agency Endowment Funds
- Community Project Funds / HCF Component Funds
- Individual Donor Advised Funds (DAF)
The Hudson Community Foundation welcomes grant requests from nonprofit organizations that are classified as nonprofit charitable organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code or, in some cases, government agencies. The Hudson Community Foundation will welcome grant requests from nonprofit organizations that are located in, or provide service to Hudson, Ohio. The Foundation will look favorably on grant requests that fall into these areas of interest:
- Youth Education and Recreation
- Arts and Culture
- Social Services
- Historical and Environmental Preservation
General Exclusions
The Grant Selection Committee will not support:
- Grants to religious organizations or events
- Grants to private foundations
- Grants to cover past operating deficits or debt retirement
- Grants for support to individuals
- Testimonial dinners or advertising
- Political organizations or campaigns
- Capital campaigns
- Endowments
Important Dates
The Hudson Community Foundation Grants Committee meets three times per year to discuss grant applications. Requests must be received by midnight on the following dates:
March 15, 2017 August 1, 2017 December 1, 2017
The Hudson Community Foundation Board of Directors will consider the grant requests approved by the committee at the following Board of Directors meetings:
April 27, 2017, August 31, 2017 December 21, 2017
How to Submit
Please mail or deliver your grant proposal to:
Hudson Community Foundation Attention: Lori McCleese, President, 49 East Main Street Hudson, OH 44236
Or email your proposal with GRANT REQUEST noted in the subject line to: Lorimccleese@myhcf.org
When a Grant is Awarded
Within one week after the Board of Directors meeting, you will receive notification of the funding decision. If your project is funded a Grant Recipient Report is required within 90 days after the completion of the project. Instructions will be mailed with the award letter and grant check. Failure to complete the Grant Recipient Report will preclude an organization from future grant consideration for one full calendar year.
NOTE: Generally, one grant request application per 501c3 organization will be accepted in a calendar year.