Creating a Scholarship Fund
Now more than ever, a college education is crucial to success in life. With rising tuition costs, many young people don’t have the resources required to earn a college degree.
Opening a scholarship fund with the Hudson Community Foundation can offer students critical help. You can open a fund with as little as $2,500 with awards starting at $1,000. Scholarships help countless young people overcome the obstacles that stand between them and future academic and financial success.
Your fund can reflect your family name and values. It has the ability to accept a wide array of asset types and you can take immediate and maximum tax deductions.
Contact us today to learn more about establishing your scholarship fund and helping empower youth with opportunities and fulfilling your charitable goals.
We're pleased to help you with your charitable giving. Our mission is to help individuals like you create a lasting legacy through smart, meaningful philanthropy. You don’t give to Hudson Community Foundation, you give through it. No matter where you choose to direct your gift, you will be enriching our community for generations to come. We connect people with causes that matter. Thank you for your generosity!
Please make your check payable to Hudson Community Foundation and indicate the fund name.
Mail to the Hudson Community Foundation at P.O. Box 944, Hudson, OH 44236. Or make your donation right here on our website using your credit card or PayPal account by clicking on the button below.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!