Field of Interest
Field of interest funds allow you to address a cause of particular importance to you without being locked into naming specific charities. HCF identifies important needs in the community which may be targets of your philanthropy including:
- Youth Education and Recreation
- Arts and Culture
- Hudson Social Services
- Historical and Environmental Preservation
In addition you can specify your own field of interest. You name the purpose of the fund; HCF’s Board identifies the charitable projects that can most effectively accomplish your goals at any given time.
The field of interest fund is most appropriate if:
You have an abiding interest in a particular charitable cause rather than specific organizations.
You recognize that charitable organizations may change their mission and effectiveness over time, or they may lose their charitable status.
You want knowledgeable and professional help in carrying on your philanthropic interests after your death.
You are considering creating a private foundation to support a particular charitable cause.
We're pleased to help you with your charitable giving. Our mission is to help individuals like you create a lasting legacy through smart, meaningful philanthropy. You don’t give to Hudson Community Foundation, you give through it. No matter where you choose to direct your gift, you will be enriching our community for generations to come. We connect people with causes that matter. Thank you for your generosity!
Please make your check payable to Hudson Community Foundation and indicate the fund name.
Mail to the Hudson Community Foundation at P.O. Box 944, Hudson, OH 44236. Or make your donation right here on our website using your credit card or PayPal account by clicking on the button below.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!